Dear CIRCON community member,
It is our pleasure to announce that Marathon has been named a winner of the inaugural CIRCON Sustainability Leadership Awards. We’re proud to celebrate our partnership with Marathon, the company’s hard-earned achievements, and the sustainable example it’s creating for our industry.

On July 27th in Findlay, Ohio, CIRCON’s Chief Sustainability Officer Gary Higginbotham presented this prestigious award to the Marathon team, led by Jim Wilkins, Marathon’s SVP of health, environment, safety and security. Celebrating a decade of progress and sustainable contributions, CIRCON recognizes Marathon’s significant achievements over the last 10 years, which include:

  • 114,187 Tons of Hazardous Waste repurposed at cement kilns
  • 57,094 Tons of Landfill Avoidance
  • 63,945 Tons of Coal Displaced
  • 19,069,229 Gallons of Waste Derived Fuel
  • Generated for the CIRCON REFUEL Program
  • 274,049 Tons of Net Carbon Avoidance
  • ​​​9135 HDPE Liners NOT being Landfilled

In addition to the award, Clay Wofford, refining engineer/SME waste, also received a custom-created jacket in collaboration with New York clothier Joe Bananas. Made from 100% sustainable fibers, this jacket represents  Marathon’s achievements, as well as the awe-inspiring beauty of nature and the environment that they are helping to preserve.

CIRCON Environmental is the leader in measurable sustainability, bringing impactful and sustainable waste management solutions to companies across industries, and across the country. In 2021, we helped recycle more than 400,000 barrels of oil and 145 million gallons of water, but we couldn’t have done it without our valued partners. And that’s what these awards intend to celebrate. Here’s to finding a better way, together.

Gary Higginbotham, Chief Sustainability Officer, CIRCON Environmental


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